Top 10 Haunted Highways || Top 10 Haunted Highways in India || Ghost Sightings in Highways

Hi friends, how’s everyone doing?  Before going inside a car what does a person think? Where am I going? How much time would it take? Which route should I pick? Are there any ghosts sightings on the way? Nah, no one thinks about that! But in India, one has to think about this. Today we are going to talk about those highways, which are so haunted that a person should think twice before taking that route. So, let's begin!

10. Kasara Ghat, Maharashtra

 Kasara Ghat is a roadway on the Mumbai Nasik Highway. This road is in Maharashtra and people say that this is the most haunted highway in India. Whether it is actually or not we will come to know soon. So why do they call this road haunted? People have many times seen a headless old lady wandering. People have seen a headless guy as well and also a headless motorcyclist. This motorcyclist is seen when he overtakes a car but vanishes immediately. People believe that these spirits are of those who had died during the construction of the highway. And some people say it's just of those people who have died in accidents. 

9. Sathyamangalam Wildlife Sanctuary Corridor, Tamil Nadu

On the National Highway 209 Try saying that 5 times. When you guys hear about a sanctuary you imagine peace and harmony and not a vicious thief. The thief’s name was Muniswamy Veerappan and back in the day, he used to live in this corridor. And when he was alive he had murdered many people in the sanctuary. So not just a thief but also a murderer. People who live near this corridor say that they hear screams all the time and also get to see a lot of spirits and sometimes they are holding lanterns and other times they float on their own. People believe that Veerapan’s spirit haunts the people on that highway. Imagine driving through here at night and seeing a ghost carrying a lantern or a floating lantern. 

8. Besant Road, Chennai

Yes, we know that this Is not a highway but a road but honestly, in India, there are more haunted roads as compared to highways. This is a really popular road in Chennai. There’s traffic throughout the day on this road except for the early morning. A female ghost lives on this road and she doesn’t trouble people in cars but troubles those who are on foot. People have said that sometimes they get slapped out of the blue and when they look around for the culprit, no one is to be found. This ghost also throws things at people and then laughs at them. So people mostly run away before something else happens. Smart move people, I'm right behind you. 

7. Kashedii Ghat, Mumbai Goa Highway

If you google this place, then you will come across some really beautiful pictures. Honestly, the landscape is stunning – Big big mountains, many flowers and a lot of ghosts as well! As nice as the highway is, that still, unfortunately, doesn't make up for all the horrible things that happen here. All the accidents on this highway happen during the night. People have seen a dead guy’s ghost asking for a lift from them. And if they say no then they are finished… Some people say that this spirit all of a sudden comes in front of your car and then sway it here and there due to which it topples. And this is not an easy feat, the ghost has to be super strong! If you're ever in Mumbai, remind yourself to go via any route other than this one. 

6. East coast road, Chennai-Pondicherry

Even though it says it’s a road in the name, it is actually a 2 lane highway. The drive of this highway is beautiful but what is the use of it if you get to meet a female ghost. A long time back a young girl had died on this road in an accident. So after its death, the spirit of the girl always remained sad. She thought that if she cannot be happy then no one else can. A lot of people have seen this woman, she is dressed in a white sari. She comes in front of your car and people experience sudden chills after that and also the road seems a lot smaller. Some people even said they felt vibrations in their spine after encountering this woman. To make matters worse there are no lights on this road!  

5. NH 11A OFF Delhi-Alwar-Jaipur Highway. 

This road is very normal normally. No crazy accident or murder has happened there yet. But this road leads to Bhangharh fort. I know many of you must be known of Bangarh Fort, one of the most haunted places in India. But let's do a short recap. A magician had cursed Bhangharh fort when it’s princess had refused to accept his love. So when people cross this fort they see a lot of people but they are all ghosts! If your windows are open then you can sometimes hear doors closing and little children laughing. Just imagine, I’ll set a scene for you and play some creepy music, Imagine you have stopped there to smoke a cigarette out of the car and then you hear little children laughing. You would run like there’s no tomorrow. 

4. Mumbai-Pune Expressway 

This highway is India’s first 6 lane Expressway and I wish it wasn’t haunted but it is so what can we do !!  So let me narrate its story. On this highway, a vicious spirit resides and she never leaves your side. She would ask for a lift and when people give her a lift and drop her off somewhere she appears again but with a different face and this happens a few times before the passenger realizes that something is fishy. If you don’t give her a lift then you go straight up! Ok maybe not straight up, some people survive. One man said he saw her running with the car at 80kmph and then she said Now your time is over and then when the guy woke up the next morning he had bruises all over his body. But this guy was at the end of expressway hence he got saved.

3. Blue Cross Road, Chennai. 

Even in pictures, this road looks really haunted and it is as a matter of fact! A lot of people have committed suicide on this road so people believe it to be haunted. On top of that, both sides of the road have trees so their leaves cover the road and even during the day there is not much light there. People have seen some white things on this road, and no one knows what those things are, whether they are humans, spirits, or some creature. But every night a lot of white things come on the road and people believe that these spirits are of those people who had committed suicide. 

2. Igorchem road, Goa. 

This is a really small road and it is covered with trees on both sides. It is located behind a church and the name of the church is Our Lady of Snows. Is that not the stuff of horror films? A desolate church, a road in the middle of a forest, darkness ensues, that's just disaster waiting to happen. Well !! Strange things happen on this road during the day as well as night. No time of the day is safe clearly. People say that if you have to go there then don’t go at 2 or 3 am as during that time a lot of demonic forces roam that place and possess people. I don’t know the significance of 2 or 3 am, maybe during this time the spirits are free and they think why not possess people? 

1. Ranchi – Jamshedpur NH-33. 

A lot of strange things happen on this highway. There’s a temple at the start of this highway and another temple at the end of it. Some people believe that you can take all precautions, you can pray, drive your car properly but driving on this highway is very dangerous and tough. A lot of accidents happen on this highway and a lot of people get killed as well. This highway is famous for that reason only. If this doesn’t discourage you then listen to this. This is the only highway in India where there have have been more fatal accidents than non-fatal ones. It’s the reason? Some people say that a spirit haunts the highway and moves during the night and people try to avoid and hence end up getting into an accident. Some people also believe that this road is cursed. Most people traveling on the highway make sure to pray at both temples in order to safeguard their journey but this does not work every time. Between 2010 and 2013 a total of 233 people got killed on this highway. 

{ALSO READ: Top 10 Most Haunted Places in the world}

So, guys, these were the top 10 haunted highways in India. If you have ever been in one of these highways, share your experience in the comments section. If you know about any other such highways share the information in the comments. Please share if you liked the given info.

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