Top 10 things to do before you die || 10 Things to add to your Bucket List

10 Things You Need To Do At Least Once in your life no matter what age you are, everyone has a list of life goals they want to achieve before passing on. It can be an academic goal or a bucket list of personal things you’d like to do in your lifetime. Common future goals include Skydiving, Travel, Falling in love. Today, we're going to talk about a bunch of things that you should do before you kick the bucket. Some goals are easier to attain than others, and bucket lists aren’t always about expensive trips and luxury. A bucket list goal can be as simple as dancing in the rain or adopting a pet. Here is a list of some of the things that you should definitely consider adding to your bucket list. Some of them are simple and sweet. Others will require more planning. Regardless, these are some stuff that you should do at least once in your lifetime! 

Bucket List Item Number 1:

Something Scary: Flying on an airplane or going bungee jumping, everyone should do something that terrifies them at least once in their life. Think about all the time you spend worrying about something that scares you. If you’re terrified of speaking in public or scared of heights, you should try facing them at least once! 

Bucket List Item Number 2: 

Go On Vacation: While this is easier said than done, everyone deserves to have the experience of seeing a different country. Everyone has a dream vacation they’d like to take. You shouldn’t let anything stop you from achieving this dream. Many people will argue that vacations can be quite expensive and impossible to plan, but there is a ton of information and advice available on the internet to help with planning and money-saving strategies. 

Bucket List Item Number 3:

Discover Your Passion: This is a vital part of living a happy life. If you’re just spending your time working a job you don’t really like, you’re kind of just existing rather than living. Your passion won’t just fall into your lap one day, you have to explore and experiment. Once you discover your passion n your life will have more meaning, and you’ll be motivated to work towards your goals. 

Bucket List Item Number 4:

Donate Blood: Nobody really likes getting the needle. After donating blood just once you can help save the lives of up to three people. So stop being so stingy and go to your local blood donation center. If you’re not convinced, donating blood actually has some health benefits as well. It can help prevent cancer and heart disease and burn calories in the process! So basically, this is a win-win situation.

 Bucket List Item Number 5: 

Fight For What You Believe In: No one should live in their own heads. The world is in a state of change and construction right now and it’s crucial now more than ever to stand up for what you believe in. Go out to a protest, get informed, march. It’s engagement to get connected and surround yourself with like-minded people and to also understand those who think differently. 

Bucket List Item Number 6:

Pay It Forward: There is nothing purer than helping out a stranger in need. At least once in your life, you should reach out to someone less fortunate by either paying for their meal or offering them food. Food isn’t always an easy thing to come by for everyone, and while it has been somewhat of a trend to participate in these random acts of kindness, it’s still a great gesture.

Bucket List Item Number 7:

Go To A Music Festival: No one is too old to go out to the festival and enjoy some music! Thousands of people fly out for music festivals each year including several celebrities! Music is uplifting so enjoying it with thousands of people is a truly unique experience. Some people think that music festivals are all the same but there are actually different types for different genres of music. Sure, you've probably heard of Osheaga or Coachella, but what about things like Boots and Hearts (if you're a country fan) or Roxodus(if you like Rock and Roll). There's also a really cool music festival for Heavy Metal fans named Heavy Montréal, which absolutely rocks! See, there's something for everyone! 

Bucket List Item Number 8:

Dancing In The Rain: There is a reason that this cliche is so often featured in entertainment, and that’s because it really is as enjoyable and freeing as they make it out to be! As long as you pick a warm rainstorm, preferably during the summer months, you’ll be able to let loose and jump around. If you haven’t danced in the rain yet then you definitely have to try it at least once. 

Bucket List Item Number 9:

Adopt A Shelter Pet: Some people might turn their noses at the concept of adopting an older dog or cat. Many people flock for puppies and kittens leaving thousands of loving shelter dogs without a loving family. If you’re looking to get a pet, there are6 to 8 million dogs waiting to be adopted. That doesn’t even include the other pets waiting for a home. Shelter pets are just as lovable. When you adopt a pet you also save money. 

Bucket List Item Number 10:

Love And Be Loved: One of the most important experiences for humans to have is love. Every human deserves to love and be loved in their life and although this is terrifying to some people, humans aren’t meant to be alone. Some people have an easier time loving and being loved by others and this is because they are open to connecting with people. For some, this can be difficult, but the effort is worth it.

 What did you think of our list? Is there anything you're absolutely going to try? Maybe something that you'd never ever do? Either way, we hope you helped with your bucket list, but if we forgot anything, why don't you put it in the comments section below? Please do the favor of sharing with your family and friends.

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