Robots || Artificial Intelligence || Technology || Types of ROBOTS

Humanity is changing and so, is changing the way of life of humans. The advancement of technology has created such an era of advancement where one can not think his life possible without any tech gadgets surrounding him. Oh, Come on! Who likes to get up every now and then to perform his/her task after a day full of work? The answer is, literally no one. So, this is where the machines come in packed with codes of artificial intelligence just like humans and work efficiency also sometimes better than us and probably sometimes not. These machines are called Robots. Yeah, you would have heard this word occasionally, but do you know the types of robots present around us, and also the work or task they can perform? If your answer is NO, then here I have something for you, that would be interesting and full of facts. So, read till the very end.

What are ROBOTS

A robot is a machine that appears to think and act for itself. The simplest type of robot is a mechanical toy, or automation, which has been programmed to perform a series of actions that usually have no real functions. Some robots are remote-controlled devices, guided at a distance by a human operator. The most complex robots have artificial intelligence - and the ability to make decisions for themselves, solve problems, and learn.

Types of Robots


Humanoid robots such as Jia-Jia, iCub, and NAO, are created to resemble human beings. They have a head and a face, and while some walk on two legs, others may roll on track or wheels. Humanoid robots can hold basic conversations and make simple facial expressions. iCUB uses its audio, visual, and tactile sensors to process information. NAO's flexibility allows it to play football and perform complex dance routines.


Surgical robots, such as da Vinci, can insert minute instruments and a viewer called an endoscope into an incision just 1 cm (0.4 in) wide. The surgeon studies the operation site on a screen and moves the robot instruments by remote control.


Robots that imitate the way different types of animals move and behave are vital steps in the development of ranges of movement that may be needed in robots of the future. Spybot 2 has spiny feet to grip onto walls, imitating the actions of climbing insects. Sony's AIBO has complex software that makes it move and behave like a dog. Mitsubishi's seabream fish mimics the energy-efficient motion of a real fish. 


Most industrial robots are computer-controlled mechanical arms. They do jobs that would be difficult or dangerous for humans, or jobs that require constant repeated actions. A robot can do all these jobs more quickly or accurately than a human - and without needing to rest.


In space, robot spacecraft and surface vehicles called rovers, such as Mars 2020, are sent to explore places that are too dangerous to send human astronauts. The movements of these robots are pre-programmed or directed from Earth, though the rovers also use camera data to avoid obstacles.


Robots are increasingly equipped to help humans carry out tasks that may be boring, repetitive, or dangerous. They work independently, guided by sensors and cameras, and can sustain themselves in bad weather, tight spaces, and rugged terrain.


Robot vehicles are useful in warfare because they can enter dangerous situations without risking lives. Robot devices conduct surveillance over enemy land and can find and dispose of bombs and landmines while the operator remains at a safe distance. 



These robots are controlled by humans. The underwater robots that helped to fix the oil leak in the Gulf Of Mexico were teleoperated.

The creation of robots can be really helpful as it can easily complete the task that is not possible for a common human being to do. But, when these technology compromise with the employment of the people it can be very dangerous as it can lead to unemployment. Although the A.I. field i.e. Artificial Intelligence can be used for calculations with accuracy and precision as it can be helpful to lead humanity to outer parts of the Universe and to develop an economy. Thus, the robots can be both a curse and a boon. What is your opinion on this? Leave your opinion down below in the comments section. I expect that this article helped you to learn something about the Advancement of Science in the creations of robots. Please share with your family and friend if you liked the information.

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