Universe || Universe Definition || What is Universe || History Of Universe

Universe the first thing that comes to our mind when we listen to this word is the vast expense of darkness being glorified by bright Galaxies, nebulas, our solar system, and many more. The Universe as we know today was not always the same. About 14 Billion Years ago it was just of the size of a grain. But what happened that it suddenly became immeasurable, something that can outgrow beyond our imagination. This article today is about the same topic 'UNIVERSE'. The information today will help you to understand 'What is Universe', 'The History Of The Universe',  the big bang theory, and also some Universe Interesting Facts.

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The universe is everything that exists from the smallest particle on the Earth to the vast galaxies of deep space.

What is the Universe?

The Universe, including space and time, came into existence on the Big Bang-  a huge explosion that occurred about 13.8 billion years ago. At that time, the Universe looked nothing like it does today, and it has been expanding, cooling, and changing ever since. The hydrogen and helium of the very young Universe formed stars, which in turn produced all the other elements in today's Universe, including those that make Earth and everything on it, including you.

History of Universe

1.The Big Bang Theory:[13.8 Billion Years Ago]

The Big Bang theory describes that- In the beginning, the Universe was small, dense, and incredibly hot. Within a trillionth of a second, it ballooned from being smaller than an atom to bigger than a galaxy. It was made of tiny particles of energy that turned to particles of matter. Within three minutes, the Universe was made almost entirely of the nuclei of hydrogen and helium atoms.


2. Cosmic Background: [380,000 Years Later]

By looking at the heat leftover from the Big Bang, known as the cosmic microwave background radiation, scientists are able to build up a picture of the early Universe. The image is a heat map of the Universe 380,000 years after the Big Bang. It shows that matter was not evenly disturbed - the hotter areas(red) are more densely packed regions, where galaxies will form.

3.Formation Of Galaxies:[12 Billion Years Ago]

Over millions of years, hydrogen and helium clumped together to form vast clouds. These broke into fragments, which collapsed under gravity and became stars. About one billion years after the Big Bang, the Universe of dwarf galaxies had formed. These collided, merged, and changed shape to become spiral and elliptical galaxies.

4. Young Milky Way: [10 Billion Years Ago]

 The Milky Way galaxy, the galaxy we live in, formed at the same time as the other galaxies. Not all of today's Milky Way stars existed at that time. Since its beginning, the galaxies have produced stars that shine brightly for millions or billions of years, but that die eventually. Their remains produce a new generation of stars.

5.Birth Of The Solar System:[4.6 Billion Years Ago]

 The Solar System formed a cloud of gas and dust within the disc of the Milky Way galaxy. The spinning cloud, known as the solar nebula, collapsed in on itself under the force of gravity. It first formed a central sphere - the young Sun - and then the unused material surrounding the Sun formed the planets, moons, asteroids, and comets.

6.Formation Of The Moon:[4.5 Billion Years Ago]

 Earth formed as even larger lumps of unused material collided and joined together. Young Earth was hit by a Mars-sized asteroid. Molten rock from the collision splashed into space. This formed a ring of rubble around the Earth which clumped to form a  large sphere - Earths's Moon.

7.Home Planet: [Today]

 Earth, the third rock planet from the Sun, is the only place in the Universe where life is known to exist. Life started in its ocean at least 3.7 billion years ago. Bacteria like cells evolved into sea creatures, then land-based plants, and animals. Humans first walked on Earth about 1 million years ago. 

Universe facts:

Here are some Universe Interesting facts, that you might have never heard of. So read till the end...

1. Jupiter is 1,321 times the volume of Earth. Mercury is just 0.05 times is the volume of Earth.

2. The Moon moves 3cm(1.25 inch) away from Earth every year.

3. The Sun is halfway through his life. It has been burning for 4.6 billion years and will run out of fuel in 5 billion years' time.

4. There is no wind or rain on the Moon, so footprints made by astronauts are likely to remain there for millions of years.

5. The Universe is expanding in all directions at the speed of light.

6. The biggest stars of all are 500 times larger than the Sun and 100,000 times as bright.

7. The black hole at the centre of the Milky Way is as massive as 4.1 million Suns.

8. The tail of the Great Comet, which passed by Earth in 1843, was more than 800 million km(500 million miles) long - about the distance from the Sun to Jupiter.

9. Our Sun is orbiting the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy at a speed of 900,000 km/h (550,000 mph). It takes 225 million years to complete one orbit.

10. The Great Red Spot visible on the surface of Jupiter is a storm, wider than two Earths, that has been observed raging for the past 340 years.

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