Reduce Belly Fat || Belly Fat Loss Exercise at Home || Abs Workout || Daily Routine

As you might know, to get visible abs you need a low body fat percentage in the first place you can have very well trained and strong abs but if your body fat percentage is too high, they won't be visible. Usually, the abs start to show at around 10 to 15% body fat depending on different other factors as well. A study from 2007 has shown that training a specific muscle can have an effect on the fat burning in that exact area. But, more important is the energy needed by the muscle contractions to trigger fat loss, as the ab muscles are not that big they don't need as much energy and don't need that much fat compared to the leg muscles for example. So the biggest part of fat loss is distributed in the whole body even if you can burn more fat in the subcutaneous area of a trained muscle than in an untrained muscle. There are also body parts that will lose fat quicker than others this can vary from person to person but usually the belly is one of the body parts where it's really hard to lose fat. A good abs workout will build up your muscles and of course, this can lead to fat loss but you can't exercise out a bad diet so the key to visible abs is a good training and the right nutrition.

image source: Google Images

Note- *Take rest of 20-30 seconds after each set.*

1. Plank Walk- 3 sets (30 seconds each)

 You start in the basic plank position and aim for the right spine alignment and muscle activation. From there you walk with your feet backward and forwards again. The more you walk backward the harder it gets, the only walk as far as you're able to keep the correct position especially in your lower back.

2. Bicycle Crunch - 3 sets (10-20 reps)

Lie down on your back and bend your legs, so that your shins are parallel to the ground. Raise your chest up and lift your shoulders off the ground. Keep your hands behind your head with your elbows out. Move your bent right leg towards your chest and simultaneously straighten your left leg so that it's parallel to the floor. While doing that, move your left shoulder towards your right knee. Remember that your elbows should remain out to the sides - this way, your stomach(not your neck) will have to strain the most. 

3. Reverse Crunches- 3 sets (10-15 reps each)

Lie down on the ground, lift your legs in the air, and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle. Keep your abdominal muscles tight and place your hands on the floor right next to your hips. Engage your lower abs to pull your knees up toward your chest. At the top of the movement, raise your hips up in the air so that your lower back and buttocks come off the ground by a couple inches. It's essential to avoid any rocking movements while you're doing this. Pause at the top of the movement for a few seconds, and then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position. 


4. Russian Twist- 3 sets (10-12 reps each)

Sit down on the mat with your legs together and knees slightly bent. Lean your upper body back, and hold your legs off the ground. You can bend your arms over your chest or hold them straight out in front of you- whichever you feel most comfortable doing at first. Now, slowly twist your torso and arms to the left side. Hold it there for 3 seconds, then return to the initial position, repeat the movement on the other side. 

5. Lying Knee Twist- 3 sets (30 seconds each)

 Here you slightly raise the shoulder plates from the ground and raise your legs so that your thighs are in a vertical position from there you rotate your legs from one side to the other with full control. It's very important to keep in contact with the ground with your lower back not just to avoid unnecessary pressure but also to activate your abs.

6. Knee to triceps plank- 3 sets (30 seconds each)

 Here it's very important to aim for complete body tension try to f-duct your legs as much as possible while bringing them to your triceps. Don't lean yourself forward to move your knee closer to your arm, this is just the compensation and will reduce the effectiveness of this exercise.

7. Lying Tuck Hold- 3 sets (30 seconds each) 

 Here you tried to bring your upper body and lower body as close together as possible for that your shoulder plates from the ground and tuck your knees to your chest.

And, of course, you will need to change your diet a little if you don't want that fat coming right back or not leaving at all !! First of all, cut down your calorie intake. It doesn't have to be anything too drastic - 500 fewer calories a day means you'll start to lose about 1-2 pounds a week. 

AVOID EATING                                          
- sweetened drinks
- fats food
- junk food, and
- fatty meat

Alright guys this was the complete routine. If one round is not challenging for you, you could also do more, we suggest anything between one up to three rounds with two minutes rest in between. If you like this routine and the abs workout don't forget to leave a comment down. Hope this information helps you. If you find it useful please share it with your friends and family.

Thanks For Visiting!!!

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  1. What i admire the most in your blogs, is that you bring about the REAL FACTS!!! And doesn't leave your viewers into a haphazard. Great share buddy....!!! 👍👍
