Nutrition || Constituents of Nutrition || Vitamins and Minerals || Sources of perfect Nutrition || Balanced Diets ||

Nutrition !! Proteins !! Vitamins!! have always been an important part of our lives. The presence of these in our body in adequate quantities helps us to be fit and healthy whereas, its disbalance can lead to severe diseases and ill effects on our body. The food we eat supplies the nutrients required to build and repair the body, to provide it energy. The blog today is about the importance of nutrition and the Effects of Healthy and Unhealthy diets on our body. You might be wondering What is Nutrition?... What is a balanced diet?... What are Sources of Nutrition?... Don't worry the answers to all these questions will be given to you in this article but for that, you will have to read this article till the very end as each and every line will provide you a piece of information that you might not know about.
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What is Nutrition?

Nutrition is the study of the presence of nutrients in food, the amount of nutrition absorbed by the body, the amount of energy released, and the use of energy by the body for several functions. Nutrition constitutes of the Ingestion, Absorption, assimilation, and excretion. Nutrition constitutes of Three main food types Carbohydrates, Sugars, and Fats. but vitamins and minerals are also needed in tiny amounts. Water and Dietary Fiber are also other key components. To remain healthy a person must eat a variety of food in the correct proportions. A brief description of all the food types is given below:


What are proteins?

Proteins are one of the most important micronutrients or say food types present in our nutrition. Proteins are one of the most essential food types in building muscle mass. They are mostly obtained from animal products but can also be gained by eating nuts and leguminous food.

About 15% of of our diet must include proteins as it is needed for the growth of the body and muscles. Food rich in proteins include nuts, beans, eggs, fish, and meat. Red meat is also rich in saturated fat but is harmful to health if eaten in excess. Dairy foods, such as milk and cheese are protein foods as they supply the bone-building mineral calcium and some proteins can also be high in fats. Thus, eating Protein-rich foods can help in the growth boost of the body and muscles.


What are Carbohydrates?

The starch, sugars, and other fibers in our food grains can be termed as carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are usually criticized in trendy diets but they are one of the most essential nutrients of our food diet.
Carbohydrates are mostly made up of starch from starchy vegetables and sugars from sugary sweets.

Starch is the main component of carbohydrates in our diet. Foods rich in starch are broken down into sugar and glucose, the body's, main source of energy. The complex carbohydrates should make about half of the components of our daily diet. Starchy vegetables such as potato or corn, grains such as bread, rice, and cereals along with dairy products such as milk and yogurt can greatly boost the release of energy in your body.

Fats and oils

What are Fats and Oils?

Fats and oils along with proteins and hydrogen are one of the main essential macronutrients in our body. These are hydrophobic which means that they are insoluble in water but can be dissolved in organic solvents. Soybean, animal fats, and rapeseed are a few of the sources of fats and oils.

Although the fats and oils supply vitamins and are essential for the functioning of the body, they should be consumed in moderation. Plant oils, such as olive oil, contain unsaturated fatty acids (as do oily fish), which are good for health. However saturated fatty acids, contained in many animal foods and added to processed food can result in the blockage of arteries. So, their intake must be limited.

So, there was a brief description of the most important food types and the building blocks of the body. Now, What about the other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals? How could we obtain them and other such micro-nutrients? Actually, food types like these are the lower divisions of the main Constituents i.e. carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The two main of such divisions are :

-Fruits and Vegetables: Fruit is a good source of water, fibres, vitamins, and natural sugars that give us the burst of energy. Many also supply antioxidants which can reduce the risk of some diseases. Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals and are good sources of fiber. Nutritionists recommend that we must eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables daily.

-Sugars: Foods such as sweets, cakes, and biscuits should be eaten sparingly because they contain a lot of added sugar. Eating large amounts of sugar in foods nutrition gives the body sudden boosts of energy rather than the constant stream it obtains from complex carbohydrates. Sugar nutrition that is excess in the requirements is stored as fat, causing a person to put on weight.

Now as you have come to know about the food types and their sources, you might also have understood the benefits of them in our body and their sources. Following such a varied diet can greatly help in making you fit and healthy and completing all the necessary requirements of the body this diet following is also known as a balanced diet. A balanced diet contains a variety of dietary foods in adequate proportions a person must eat to ]enjoy a fit and healthy life. Avoiding junk foods from your diet can greatly help you in making you mentally and physically fit along with Daily Yoga an Exercise.

Nutritional facts You might not know:
1) Good quality chocolate supplies some useful nutrients, but can also be high in fat and sugar.
2) Walnuts are rich in omega-3, Fatty acids which are essential and good for health.
3) Orange, red, and green peppers are excellent sources of Vitamins A & C.
4) Pasta is made from wheat flour and thus, is a good source of slow-energy release.
5) Bran cereals are rich in fibre which helps to make digestion more efficient.
6) Potatoes are a good source of vitamin C and B6 as well as some minerals.
7) Wholemeal bread supplies some iron, proteins, and fiber.
8) Brown rice is a rich source of vitamin B.

So, guys, this was the most basic information you might know about the importance of nutrients and balanced diets in our life. I hope this article helped you know something more about body diets and gave you the nutritional information of different types. If you liked the article please share it with your friends and family and help them know about the nutrition and its labels.

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