Human Babies Raised By Animals || Real Life Mowgli

I hope you guys are doing great and had an amazing weekend. Now guys all of us have heard the phrase “you are acting like an animal". But in some cases, it's more than just a saying and I am sure you guys have watched movies like Jungle Book and Mowgli. No no don’t worry guys this blog is not about these movies, but about the kids who were raised by animals. Who knew that there are so many kids in the world who were raised by the animals other than Mowgli!

10. “The Wolf Girls”  

Guys I know it sounds like jungle book but it’s not. Two girls Amal and Kamala from Bengal India were 18 months and 8 months old when they were given to an orphanage by a man who used to live in the jungle. It's been said that these two girls were raised by wolves, you heard it, right guys, I mean how? In the year 1926 the orphanage rector Joseph Lal Singh said that these girls were kept in a cage near the house and later changed the story that he found these girls in a wolf's den For coming 10- years this man researched on the rehabilitation of these girls from how they walk and what they like to eat and how they react to human interactions, it's been said that they both liked to eat raw meat, well why wouldn’t they, as they were raised by the wolf's. Unfortunately, Amala and Kamala passed away at a very young age.

 9. “Marina Chapman” 

Marina Chapman was born in the year 1950 in Columbia, and his girl was very famous for her claim that she spent the majority of her childhood in the jungle with monkeys, and when she was four years old she was left in the jungle, who does that to a 4- years old child. Guys, it's been said that Marina followed the monkeys for years for food and when she was rescued by the hunters, she was not even able to talk in normal human language. After this marina was sold to a brothel and later she became a servant to the mafia, and later a nice man adopted her when she was 14 years old, now she is happily married and stays in the UK with her family. Happy ending it is.

8. “The Syrian gazelle boy” 

Now check this guy out, he was found running in hot Syrian dessert at a speed of 50 km/h with a pack of gazelle’s by the hunters. Guys, it is been said that this 10- year old boy was running so fast that the hunters had to use the jeep to catch him. Now a discovery like this and the government doesn’t get involved that’s not possible, Syrian government started researching on this guy before the American and French government starts studying him and after running out of funds the Syrian government left him to live on the streets and there was no news about him after this. 

7. “Ukrainian dog girl”

Ukrainian dog girl also was known as Oxana Malaya. Malaya was born in a village in Ukraine and the medical reports and doctors said that she was a normal child at birth. But later she was badly neglected by her alcoholic parents and she lived surrounded by wild dogs. When Malaya was rescued by the authorities, they said she was barking like a dog, running around like a dog, in short, she was behaving like a dog. Authorities said that she ate, slept, and lived like a dog. Eventually, Malaya was transferred to a foster home where she got therapies for years to live. Speak and eat like a normal human. But doctors said that Malaya won't be able to fully be integrated into society, let's hope for the best. Are you guys enjoying it? 

6 “Werewolf Boy” 

Guys this one is fascinating, now in the year 2007, a boy ran away from a clinic in Moscow, and that was the werewolf boy, this boy was living in the jungles of Russia, and when he was rescued by the authorities and villagers he was only covered by the leaves out in the cold. Its been said by doctors that this boy was very intelligent by the way he was reacting to human interaction, but was not able to communicate in normal language. Long hair and nails and he was even biting people, of course, a boy like this will run away from a clinic. 

5. “Natasha” 

Now, guys, feral children don’t always have to live in the wild, something like this happened with Natasha Mikhailova, when police found this girl, they said that she was living in a very dirty apartment with her father and grandfather and she was isolated and locked in a room with cats and dogs and she was neglected so badly that Natasha started communicating the way animals do not in a normal human language. Scientists said she was treated as a pet rather than as a daughter, and when the police went to rescue her the dogs she was living with were not allowing the cops to enter the room. At least she got taken care of. 

4. “Cambodian jungle girl” 

A girl was found in Cambodia’s Ratanakiri jungle, people from the villages near the jungle said that somebody was stealing their food, the first thought some animal is doing that but after they searched the jungle they found this girl who was scared and confused and was not able to talk in normal human language. Villagers found that girl in a 10ft long tunnel in the jungle. Now, guys, it's possible that she was lost, or perhaps she was raised by animals who know. But currently, this girl is living happily with her family in Vietnam. 

3. “Raised by birds” 

Wolfs, monkeys, now birds are also on this list. Seven-year-old Vanya Yudin of Russia was found in a 2- bedroom apartment surrounded by dozens of caged birds. In the year 2008 authorities were shocked when they got a report about this child because this kid was not living in a jungle but in a normal apartment with her mom like you and me, the only problem was her mom never used to talk to him and kept him isolated and locked in a room with birds and he was not able to understand the human language. Police said he was never abused or hit by her mother and was always given food. Currently, social service is taking care of this boy and he is learning how to live like a human. 

2. “Uganda’s Monkey Boy” 

John was born in the year 1988 in a village of Uganda, at the age of two he saw his father killing his mother, with the fear that he is next and his father will kill him as well he ran away to the jungles of Uganda, where he lived and survived with monkeys and used to eat with them only. It's been said that he was rescued by a tourist and she took him to a doctor, after the check-up they got to know that John had a very big wound on his stomach and if he didn’t get the medical help then he would have died eventually. Today John is living a normal life and working as a tour operator in Uganda only.


1. “Raised by Goats” 

Guys we all know that mountains are very beautiful as well as dangerous too with harsh conditions and dangerous wild animals, a boy named Daniel was abandon by his family when he was just a small kid After this Daniel lived and survived in Peru’s indies mountains and was raised by wild goats and it's been said that Daniel lived and survived in the jungle for 8- years. He was discovered by other humans in 1990 and people said that he used to drink goats, milk and eat roots and berries and walked like a goat, and obviously he was not able to communicate in normal human language. One American university also did research on Daniel for years on how he survived in the mountains with goats. 

So, guys, I hope you all enjoyed. So, these were some of the mind-blowing information, that we hope you will love to read in the Future. Comment down the one that shocked you the most and also don't forget to share. Have a nice day! 

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