Things to do after a breakup || Best things to do after break-up || Things to do after a breakup to feel better

Things to do after a breakup to feel better!

The first thing that happens after a breakup is that you go through so much panic and just you're in survival mode you just don't know what to do. All you want is to keep that connection that you lost with this person and all of a sudden because breakups normally happen out of the blue no matter how prepared you are for them even if you know something is coming to an end it will never prepare you for that moment when someone says its over, I don't want to do this anymore or I don't want to be with you anymore and because it hurts so much we dip into that panic and into that fear and we just have no plan, our plan is to get by hour day, hour by hour, minute by minute. So I've put together a guide to help you guys that have 10 steps to let go of this or the best things to do after a break-up to feel better. Obviously, there is no quick fix and there is no magic answer but ya slowly and gradually the things will fix on their own. 

1. Cut all the contact
 Cut all the possible ways of contact by your side, whether they do the same or not. Keep your distance and don't text, email, meet in person, or call. The more you will see their pictures and news feed in social media the more your feelings will get attached to them. It is best not to have their voice in your head because that thing will stop you from moving on in your life and you will start living in a fantasy. Cutting the ties for good when it's over puts you on a faster path of healing.


2. Let Your Emotions Out 

 Whenever you think of your relationship and your brain start counting those beautiful memories which you both had together then don't resist your emotions, let them flow out through your tears. If you want to cry just go for it, this will heal yourself to some extent. As we all know that crying and making ourselves sad after a breakup is not an option. So, just cherish those happy moments which you both had together that gave you good vibes and positivity.


3. Make a playlist of songs
 As you know that sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional, it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it. So try to listen to those songs whose lyrics are very much emotional(sad) and describe your inner feelings when you listen to it. According to research listening to sad songs actually makes you happier and can regulate negative emotions and mood as well as consolation. This can also be remarked as one of the best things to do after a breakup to feel better, so, make a good playlist of sad songs of whichever singer you listen to and just let your emotions run, and give yourself some relief.


4. Read books/Series/Movies

 Reading books has always been a great thing to make yourself busy. Reading books of your interest will help you to fight loneliness and you will not get much time to think about them. This activity in return will help you in many ways like your reading skills will improve and your mindset will always be positive. 
If you don't like reading books so you may go for web series and movies. There is n number of web series and movies available in various streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ Hotstar, etc. In your free time, you can go to them.

5. Exercises

Start spending your free time in a gym or home doing exercises and workouts instead of crying and making yourself sad. Make yourself so busy that you don't get time to be sad. If you are skinny then work on your diet and start gaining weight and make yourself worth it. And if you want to burn your fat and want yourself to look attractive so start working on yourself from today itself. Hit the gym, lift the weights, and show them who the f**k are you !!
Once you realize your worth nothing can stop you.


6. Spend time with Loved Ones

 Make yourself busy with your parents, siblings, cousins, friends, or whoever is closest to you. Start sharing your problems with the one who is your better half, who understands your feelings better. Help your mom in the kitchen, help your parents in other household activities, and always try to make others happy because of you. This will give you a huge amount of positive vibes and the tank full of happiness.  


7. Post a Killer New Profile Pic

A good personality always resembles a sign of positivity. It's true that "beauty is not in the face but it's in the eye of the beholder". But it is your responsibility to uphold yourself by grooming yourself in a decent manner, wearing branded shoes and clothes will lead you to look like a perfect person. After all, this goes to a fine place and click some really nice pictures of you and upload them on your social networking sites. Let people know your worth and now its time to make them jealous by showing a new version of you.

8. Go on a trip/Party with your BFFs

Just !! Go on a trip with your friends or whoever's the company you like the most. This will make your day more interesting and busy, as a result of which you will not get enough time to think about them.


9. Understand the beauty of being single
When you finally broke up with your partner then don't always try for another relationship too soon. Just wait there and understand the beauty of being single. There are plenty of reasons to be single, like:
 1. You can sleep well.
 2. You can go wherever you want without any restrictions or insecurities from there side.
 3. You can talk to anyone you like.
 4. Do whatever you want to...etc.


10. Forgive and Forget
Thinking of them every time and cursing them for what they did with you is not the solution. You are grown up now and learn to forgive. You might be angry at that person for dumping a beautiful soul like you. And, you should be. But thinking unusual things and doing something bad with that person is not a thing to be appreciated. Always look for the better side of a person, remember the good things which you learned from that person when you were in a relationship with them. Try to forgive and forget and start a new life full of happiness start making new friends and just don't rush into another relationship too quickly without knowing that the person is perfect for you or not.

Come back to your self and focus on yourself and trust me within no time if you follow all of these above-given steps your healing will be so authentic to the point where, when this happens to you again you will deal with it so much better than the way you are dealing right now. I know that you are struggling and I know that it's hard but believe me I am telling you from personal experience when you follow these steps and hold yourself accountable you will heal. So, summing-up with the best things to do after a breakup to feel better.
If you know any other thing that you had personally followed when you have gone through breakup than do share with us by commenting below.  Share with your friends and help them come out of the post-break-up depression.

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  1. I think 2 point is very crucial when someone had to overcome the emotions of a break up...good going bro👍
